The Reinhard Early Childhood Center’s 100th day of school was filled with excitement, as Rising Star Leaders celebrated the milestone with engaging activities and an altruistic endeavor.
Building up to the day, classes competed to see who could bring in the most boxes of cereal to be donated to local families in need. The Reinhard community reached a feat of more than 1,100 boxes collected, which were toppled throughout the entire building like dominos. It was a thrilling event as each class waited outside their classrooms in anticipation. The cereal boxes were later donated to the Community Cupboard in the Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District.
Additionally, students arrived at school wearing clothing covered in 100 items, such as fuzzy cotton balls, stickers or buttons. They engaged in 100th day themed challenges, including a scavenger hunt to find 100 numbers hidden throughout the halls. The important day marks a notable achievement by the Reinhard community while fueling excitement for the future.
Photo caption:
1) Ms. Comin’s preschool class at Reinhard Early Childhood Center celebrated the 100th day of school on Feb. 14.
2) Students watched with excitement as more than 1,100 cereal boxes were toppled like dominos.
3) Students came to school dressed in 100th day themed clothing.
Photos courtesy Bellmore Public Schools