Publications & Notices
The Bellmore School community is committed to perpetuating a safe, secure learning environment in which children can reach their academic, social and human potential in a manner that acknowledges and respects their differences as individuals and promotes a common good. A crucial factor in having a well-rounded child is a provision in the District for discipline in order to promote respect. In accordance with requirements of the State Education department SAVE legislation, Chapter 181 of the Laws of 2000 ("Safe Schools Against Violence in Education Act"), the Board of Education, at its meeting of June 12, 2001, adopted a code of conduct along with Safety and Security Plans. The documents will be distributed throughout the district and are available for review in all schools, the District Office.
Code of Conduct
New York State law requires that all students attend school regularly. Absences, lateness or early departure from school are legally permitted for the following reasons: personal illness, serious illness or death in the family, contagious disease in the household, weather that makes travel to school unsafe, medical appointments or required court appearances that cannot be arranged for another time, and approved religious observances upon prior written request of a parent. All other absences are considered illegal and must be so recorded on the student's record. Similar regulations apply to lateness. It is required by law to have a written excuse each time your child is absent or tardy. The excuse must state the reason and the date(s). If the reason is illness, it is not enough to state that the child was sick. The excuse has to say just what the sickness was - cold, headache, virus, sore throat, fever, etc. A child who has had a contagious disease should also have a note from the physician in attendance attesting to the child's readiness to resume school activities.
You can help us by telephoning the school or sending a note with a brother or sister when your child is absent. Your cooperation will save us much time and effort. These calls, however, do not take the place of a written excuse upon the student's return to school.
Computer Use Policy
The Board of Education considers a computer network to be a valuable tool for education and encourages the use of computers and computer-related technology in District classrooms. The Board encourages computer network use as an integral part of the curriculum. In accordance with this philosophy, the Board of Education has made Internet access available to students and teachers in the District. The goal of the Board of Education in providing this service to teachers and students is to promote educational excellence in schools by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication.
Computer Use Policy
With access to computers and people all over the world, also comes the availability of material that may not be considered to be of educational value in the context of the school setting. As such, the District has taken precautions to restrict access to controversial materials. However, on a global network it is impossible to control all materials. As this is a District service conducted on school equipment, there is no expectancy of privacy. The District reserves the right to examine any and all materials and/or data that reside on the District Intranet or Internet services.
Internet Content Filtering Policy