Bellmore UFSD Policy Manual Table of Contents

Administrative Goals 3000
Administrative Organization 3200
Administrative Team 3210
Advertising In The Schools 1511
Alternative Formats For Instructional Materials 5412
Animals In The School  (Instructional Purposes) 4328
Annual Budget 6100
Annual District Meeting And Election 1050
Appointed Board Officials 2230
Appointment And Training Of Committee On Preschool Special Education 7632
Appointment And Training Of Committee On Special Education 7631
Attendance 5100
Authorized Signatures 6410

Board Committees 2250
Board Hearings 2390
Board Meeting Procedures 2350
Board Member Authority 2111
Board Member Conflict Of Interest 2170
Board Member Oath Of Office 2122
Board Member Qualifications 2121
Board Member Removal From Office 2140
Board Member Resignation 2130
Board Member School Visits 2111.1
Board Officers 2220
Board Operational Goals 2000
Board Reorganizational Meeting 2210
Board Review Of Regulations 3320
Board-Staff Communications 2700
Board-Superintendent Relationship 2240
Bonded Employees And Officers 6500
Bonds And Tax Anticipation Notes 6300
Broadcasting And Taping Of Board Meetings 2382
Budget Adoption 6130
Budget Hearing 6120
Budget Implementation 6140
Budget Planning 6110
Budget Transfers 6150

Candidates And Campaigning 2120.1
Cardiac Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) In Public School Facilities 8135
Child Abuse And Maltreatment 7530
Children With Disabilities 7611
Claims Auditor 6650
Closing Of Facilities 7810
Code Of Conduct 5300
Code Of Conduct On School Property 3410
Community Relations Goals 1000
Compensation And Expense 2550
Competitive Bidding Requirements 6720
Complaints About Policies 1410
Construction Contracts, Bidding And Awards 7360
Contingency Budget 6135
Cooperative Purchasing 6730

Declassification Of Students With Disabilities 7617
7552 De-escalation, Separation, and Physical Restraint 7552
7552-R De-escalation, Separation, and Physical Restraint Regulation 7552-R
Depositories Of Funds 6400
Determination Of Budget Priorities 6112
Development Of Regulations 3310
Dignity For All Students 7550
Disposal Of District Property 6900
Drug And Alcohol Testing For School Bus Drivers And Other Safety-Sensitive Employees 5455
Drug-Free Workplace 9320
Due Process Complaints: Selection And Board Appointment Of Impartial Hearing Officers 7670
Duties Of The Superintendent 3120

Educational Philosophy 0000
Educational Specifications 7310
Enrollment Projections 7120
Equal Opportunity 0100
Evaluation Of Instructional Programs 0350
Evaluation Of Personnel 0330
Evaluation Of School Board Operational Procedures 0310
Evaluation Of Superintendent 0320
Expense Reimbursement 6830

Facilities Development Goals 7000
Facilities Planning 7100
Facilities Renovations 7700
Family Medical Leave Act 9520
Federal Funds 6230
Field Trips And Excursions 4531
Financial Reports And Statements 6630
Financing Facilities Development 7200
Fiscal Accounting And Reporting 6600
Fiscal Management Goals 6000
Flag Display 3140
Formulation, Adoption And Amendment Of Policies 2410

Gender Neutral Bathrooms 5633
Gifts From The Public 1800
Gifts To School Personnel 1810
Gifts, Grants And Bequests 6255
Goals For Instructional Program 0210
Grouping By Similarity Of Needs 7612

HIV/AIDS Policy 0120
Home Instruction (Home Schooling) 1741

Identification Of Students In Temporary Housing 5151
Individuals With Disabilities (Section 504 - Rehabilitation Act) 5020.3
Information and Data Privacy Security, Breach and Notification 6842
Instruction   4730
Instruction For English Language Learners Or Students With Limited English Proficiency 4453
Internet Safety/Internet Content Filtering Policy 8271
Interpreters For Hearing Impaired Parents 1925
Investments 6240

Least Restrictive Environment 7615
Limited Administration Of Medication For Anaphylaxis And Opioid Overdose 7665
Line And Staff Relations 3240
Litigation Procedures 2270.1
Local Tax Levy 6210

Meals/Refreshments/Condolences 9170
Membership In School Boards Associations 2530
Minutes 2360

Naming Facilities 7500
New Board Member Orientation 2510
News Media Relations 1130
News Releases 1131
Non-Discrimination And Anti-Harassment In The School District 0111
Non-Resident Students 7132
Notice Of Meetings 2340
Notification Of Release Of Convicted Sex Offender 5454.1

Organization Charts 3230

Parental Involvement 1900
Payment For Medical Services Plan 2050
Payroll Procedures 6800
Petty Cash/Petty Cash Accounts 6670
Plans, Specifications And Cost Estimates 7331
Policy Dissemination 2450
Policy Implementation 3300
Prereferral Intervention Strategies In General Education 7616
Preschool Special Education Program 7614
Public Complaints 1400
Public Conduct On School Property 1520
Public Information Program 1100
Public Participation At Board Meetings 1230
Public Sales On School Property 1510
Public Use Of School Facilities 1500
Purchasing 6700
Purchasing Authority 6710
Purchasing Procedures 6740

Qualifications Of Superintendent 3110
Quorum 2351

Recruitment Of The Superintendent 3111
Regular Meetings 2310
Regulations Dissemination 3330
Relations With BOCES 1612
Relations With Community And Business Organizations 1220
Relations With Federal Authorities 1630
Relations With Non-Public Schools 1740
Relations With Other Governmental Authorities 1610
Relations With Parent Organizations 1221
Relations With Parents With Disabilities 1920
Relations With State Authorities 1620
Response to Intervention (RtI) Process 4324
Revenue 6200
Rules Of Order 2352

Safety Of Students (Fingerprinting Clearance Of New Hires 9260
School Attorney 2270
School Board Conferences, Conventions, Workshops 2521
School Board Elections 2120
School Board Legal Status 2100
School Board Powers And Duties 2110
School Budget And Referenda Information 1150
School Building Administration 3250
School District Officer And Employee Code Of Ethics 2160
School District Records 1120
School Improvement Plans 0400
School Meal Charge Policy 5660
School Safety Plan 5681
School Sponsored Publications 1110
Section 504 Of The Rehabilitation Act Of 1973 7621
Senior Citizens' Exemption 6215
Sexual Harassment In The Workplace 0110
Sexual Harassment of Students 7551
Site Acquisition 7350
Smoking/Tobacco Use Revised 7.21 9330
Special Meetings 2320
State Contracts 6731
Student Evaluation Placement and Promotion 7210
Student IEP Development And Provision 7640
Student Involvement In Public Information Program 1140
Student Privacy, Parental Access to Information, and Administration of Certain Physical Examinations to Minors 7250
Student Records: Access And Challenge 7240
Student Teaching And Internships 1721
Student Use Of Computerized Information Resources 7315
Students With Disabilities Participating In School District Programs 7620
Substance Use/Abuse 1530
Superintendent Of Schools 3100

Title I Inventory, Accounting Of Fixed Assets, And Tracking Policy 6640
Title I Programs And Services 6231
Title IX and Sex Discrimination 3421

Unexpired Term Fulfillment 2150
Use Of Identification/Credit Cards 8334

Visitors To The Schools 1240
Voting Procedures 2120.2

Weapons In School And The Gun-Free Schools Act 5445
Wellness Policy 5405
Workplace Violence Policy 5700